Monday, February 17, 2014

Week 22

Hey everyone!
So first off, we're going to have a baptism this saturday! Ednaldo (pronounced edgy-naldo)(26 years old), who we've been working with since my first week here was finally able to schedule things so that he doesnt have to work on Sundays! He's integrated really well with the members and is extremely excited to be a member of the church. We were walking down the street our second day here and a car pulled up along side us. It was a member of another stake and he told us that there was a young man on the next street over that wanted to be baptized, basically the dream reference that any missionary would dream of! He made the changes necessary in his life and I know that he will be extremely blessed because of his decision to follow the example of Jesus Christ.
Transfers are this week on Wednesday, but we wont find out until tonight if I'll be staying here or transferred to a different area. It would be sad to not see Ednaldo get baptized and to leave the members here that have been so great, but I would also be excited to get to know other areas, so we'll see what happens!
We're teaching a bunch of people, but it was interesting to note that all of our investigators who are progressing have family members that are members of church. 
Marcio is a man who's wife died recently leaving him with two small children and it turns out that he has several family members that are church members, and Ana is the aunt of several of our ward members here. This just goes to show that your examples as members oof the church will help your friends and  family members accept the missionaries when they knock on their doors. Or you could just make life a lot easier for the missionaries and introduce your friends and family members to the missionaries!
As far as the weather report here, it's still hot and humid and the thunder here sets off car alarms.
Have a great week! Ate mais!
Love, Elder Carr

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