Thursday, November 7, 2013

Week 9

Tudo bem!
Its been another pretty normal week here in Itapetininga! It's starting to get hotter, which is a curse and a blessing at the same time. It's tough to be wearing a shirt and tie and pants in heat and humidity all day, but on the upside, we can basically knock on any door in the city and ask for a cup of water and they'll give it to us. Who can turn down two American kids that look like they just got out of a swimming pool? They usually ask what in the world we're doing outside in the heat of the day and we explain that we're messengers of God and that we're here to share with them the plan that God has for us so that we can return to live with Him and with our family forever. Then we ask if we can come in and explain more. So the heat is a blessing for sure. And its only the beginning of spring!
I've also learned the blessings of goals. I've never liked goals much, or making goals, or anything of the sort. But here on the mission you have to make goals for everything. This transfer we wanted to have 6 baptisms, and we based that goal off of the 6 baptismal dates that we had marked. However, all 6 of those dates fell through. But, the Lord provided, and now we have six more dates marked! I still don't like making goals, but now I know that they are important and that we are blessed for making them.
You asked about my Christmas wishlist.  Ties are always good, but no red or pink; it just accentuates my pink face and then everyone knows that I'm American and asks me what time it is just to hear my accent. I respond by saying 3 pm, next to the cofesa supermarket. They give me a confused look and I respond by saying that that is what time church starts.
I got letters on Sunday!  President says that if I keep getting so many letters he's going to have to start charging me because its hurting his gas mileage, so thank you!
And I met one of Brother Ferreira's mission companions! Brother Murad.

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