Saturday, November 30, 2013

Week 13

Happy Dia de Ação de Graças!

Thanksgiving exists here but isn't celebrated. You can buy turkey, but I haven't seen any cranberries :(

This week was pretty normal. We taught a lot of lessons and found a lot of new investigators, but again, none of them came to church this week. So far, every one that comes to church has been baptized, so I guess that's good!

This week has been unusually cold. It got really hot on Wednesday or Thursday, and it POURED. I don't know if the rain here is different or if it's because I never walked around in the rain very much in the states, but it sure does rain hard here! We didn't bring umbrellas that day because it started out so hot and not a cloud in the sky. The people who we had appointments with that night were shocked when they opened their doors to find two missionaries soaking wet, standing in the pouring rain. On the plus side, everyone who was home let us in! To sum it all up: It rains enough here to walk outside and call it baptism by immersion.

My portuguese is improving "rapido de mais"! Seeing as this email is the only thing I do in English the entire week, that's not too suprising! I understand most everything that's said, and I can be understood when I speak. I've been told that I don't have much of an accent, and that the only way they can tell I'm not Brazilian is wrong sentence structure and verb conjugations. So I still have a lot of room to improve, but I'm not totally lost now!

As far as receiving packages and letters before Christmas, we have a multizone conference this week, and we'll have another conference on or near Christmas (from what I've heard). Don't worry Mom, I won't open my Christmas box before Christmas, but just think, if I do, you won't even know! haha just pushing your buttons :)

Love you guys and I'll see you soon!

Ate mais!

Elder Carr

P.S. If nothing else, the gospel is true because of the fact that it is impossible to teach the First Vision without being interrupted. Car alarms go off, dogs begin to bark, cell phones ring, and fireworks explode almost every single time. The adversary tries his best to distract people from feeling the Holy Ghost because he knows that the restoration of Christ's church and the authority of God is knowledge that leads to true conversion.

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